The DESIRE Issue

The DESIRE Issue
DESIRE is the wonderful in between of a thing. The wanting. The waiting. The needing. The longing and the dreaming. When the object of your desire is obtained, the emotion slips out of reach and evaporates back into the ether. Consider the printed form of DESIRE, physically wanted things captured on a page in ink but this only propels the reader forward on a deeper journey. There are no full stops in this grand tour just a tantalizing lifting of the veil for a singular second and on you go, deeper into the in-between of wanting and having.
Each Lab Mag issue is to be treasured as works of art, produced by artisans for a discerning audience.
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CONTRIBUTORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER: Alan Selka, Amanda Eliasch, Anne Menke, Ariel Zuniga, Ashkan Honarvar, Bastille, Bruce Richards, Candida Ridgwell, Caroline Jones, Cathy Weiss, Chris Kenny, Christina Poblador, Christopher Russell, David Whyte, Gareth McConnell, Hassan Hajjaj, Jack English, John Alan Simon, John Lee Bird, Kristin Ellingson, The Lavender Hinge, Lisa Z. Morgan, Lola Rose Thompson, Louise Salter, Luciano Fileti, Luke Frost, Marc Dennis, Mark Woods, Michael Petry, Miriam Dehne, Nigel Daly, Sissi Westerberg, Steven Poster, Sukie Smith and Tom of Finland.