The BUILD Issue

The BUILD Issue
The desire to BUILD is a powerful pursuit. Thought, care, experimentation, and a deep, unspoken need for self-expression, are an integral and necessary part of the making process. THIS IS BUILD.
Each Lab Mag issue is to be treasured as works of art, produced by artisans for a discerning audience.
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LA Residents: Pickup in LA will soon be available. Stay tuned.
CONTRIBUTORS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER: Alex Chinneck, Annabelle Filer - SCIN, Betony Vernon, Blaine Halvorson - MADEWORN, Claudio Reis, Camille Henrot, Gary Oldman, Gisele Schmidt, Hugo Arcier, Ian Ruhter, Jack English, James Turrell, Jane South, Jason deCaires Taylor, Lisa Z Morgan, Louise Salter, Luke Frost, Maria Svarbova, Marie Louise Scio, Mark Brazier-Jones, Neri Oxman, Nick Cave, Nigel Daly, RA Friedman, Rafael Gonzalez Moreno, Sam Fielding, Sigrid Calon, Ugo Rondinone, Usman Haque