Something wickedly good this way comes
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WICKED has taken the world by storm, magic abounds, and colour is the signature!
An exclusive interview
Meet the cinematographer of WICKED
ALICE brooks
WICKED began as a musical; it is a prequel to the beloved 1939 original Wizard of Oz by L.Frank Baum, yet it stands as an original bright star in the 21st century cinematic firmament. The film is made of a dazzling array of colours, giant sets and big sweeping scores that rattle up and down your spine.
Watch this exclusive interview with Alice Brooks, the cinematographer of WICKED.
Oz comes to life under Brooks’ magic touch, lighting up the world around her, on and off set.
A friendship with Jon Chu at USC brought her into a family of fellow story tellers. They have worked together for decades and their shared love of musicals comes to a crescendo in WICKED.
We asked Alice how the adventure began, what it was like traveling down the yellow brick road and some of the stand out personal moments she experienced while filming the global phenomena WICKED.
Enjoy this peek behind the curtain and step into the wonderful world of Alice Brooks and WICKED. As an added bonus, normally reserved for our members only, dive into her cabinet of curiosities, a list of inspirations and favourites.
Interview by: The Labortatory Arts Collective
Filmed by Miguel Arcilla
Sound by Royce Hall
Edited by: Kristin Ellingson
Footage courtesy of Universal Pictures
Time: 10 minutes
In partnership with Universal Pictures
very laboratory