The Trio
The Gizborn puppets from SALVATION the Opera.
We wanted to give you more SALVATION.
So here we go.
An extension of the interview with the co-creators of the new opera SALVATION. The trio are librettist Hampton Fancher, the writer of Blade Runner, composer Noah K and singer Rosie K.
Can you talk about your creative process, a day in the life?
HAMPTON FANCHER I depend it seems on first thoughts of the day. I like to lie in bed and not be interrupted from imagining things. I used to write it down, but now I don’t know where to put it. The computer ruined me in some way.
NOAH K I wake up around 8:30 (usually in Brooklyn), have an espresso and then spend most of the day on my work, composing or playing saxophone.
ROSIE K Coffee & reading in the morning, making notes. A walk in the afternoon to think about the work in-progress.
What fires your passion for projects?
NK Great characters and creative freedom.
RK The sense of something that wants to be revealed.
HF Not telling an idea to the wrong person. Or in other words, the listener’s imagination.
What is the inspiration behind your music?
RK The possibilities of perception.
HF Romance.
NK Everything I’ve ingested so far.
What excites you about the future?
HF The unknown.
NK Replicants.
RK Escape from the body.
What's the best advice you've ever been given?
NK It won’t be as good as you hope, but it won’t be as bad as you fear.
RK Expect nothing.
HF Best advice: Above all, no zeal.
Worst advice: Go west, young man.
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