An interview with CHAT GPT
The first time we “interviewed” CHAT GPT was in May 2023. We were gathering content for FUTURO and it’s hard to believe now but at the time, Artificial Intelligence was not on everyone’s lips.
We were in hot debate with a friend about the future of the analog world and the digital world as they collided. We decided to ask CHAT GPT, then relatively new on the scene (and considered be a mere internet scraper) what would happen. We had all been shocked and amused by the infamous BING conversations, and were fascinated by AI’s entry into the analog world. This was the first simple question we asked on our friend’s i-phone:
Question: Can the Digital world survive without the analog world?
Digital and analog experiences often complement each other. Analog experiences, like reading a physical book or having a face-to-face conversation, engage our senses in a manner that digital experiences often can’t replicate.
However, if we were to remove all analog experiences and rely soley on digital ones, our world would certainly change. We would miss out on certain tangible elements, like the texture of a page or the nuances of in-person communication.
In terms of technology, many digital technologies are built upon analog foundations. For example, sound and video are analog in nature, and we digitize them for convenience and versatility. Removing the analog experience may affect the richness of these mediums.
But digital experiences also have their advantages. They are easily shared, replicated and manipulated, and they can create experiences that are impossible in the physical world. For instance, digital experiences can incorporate elements of virtual reality and artificial intelligence, creating interactive and immersive experiences that are not possible in the analog world.
Ultimately, a balance between digital and analog experiences seems to be the most beneficial. They each offer unique advantages that, when combined, can enhance our understanding and enjoyment of the world.
Image by Boliviainteligente
Three months later and everyone was talking about AI, fembots, killing drones, great medical discoveries, and immortality. We went back to CHAT GPT and asked more questions (We’ve only included two as the answers are a little dry).
The first question was the same as our original and then a follow up question. It’s fascinating to see the development of style. In the first “interview” the answer was conversational. There was a very long pause before CHAT GPT answered, which we all remarked on. It was as though we were the first to ever ask the question and Chat GPT had to scour the internet a little bit harder to find an answer… we could feel the gears grinding.
Then the second time (three months later) it answered immediately in bullet points saying much the same thing with a neat little summary… confirming that the more people using the system, the more there is to regurgitate. Here are the answers:
THE LAB MAG: Can the digital world survive without the analogue world?
ANSWER: The digital world and the analog world are interconnected and rely on each other in many ways. While the digital world has undoubtedly transformed the way we live, work, and communicate, it is still deeply rooted in the analog world and depends on it for various reasons. Here are a few key points to consider:
Infrastructure: The digital world relies on physical infrastructure such as servers, data centers, fiber-optic cables, and communication networks, which are part of the analog world. Without the analog infrastructure, the digital world would not have the means to function.
Data Generation: The digital world thrives on data, and much of this data originates from analog sources. For example, sensors, cameras, microphones, and other physical devices collect data from the real world, which is then digitized and utilized in various digital applications.
Input and Output: While digital technologies offer convenient interfaces like screens, keyboards, and touchpads, these input/output devices are based on analog principles. Whether it's typing on a keyboard or swiping on a touch screen, the interactions between humans and digital devices rely on analog mechanisms.
Real-world Context: The digital world often seeks to augment or simulate real-world experiences, but it cannot completely replace them. Certain activities and interactions, such as physical touch, sensory experiences, and face-to-face communication, are inherently analog in nature and cannot be replicated entirely in the digital realm.
Accessibility: The digital world assumes access to digital devices, electricity, and internet connectivity, which may not be universally available. Many parts of the world still lack reliable digital infrastructure, making analog methods necessary for communication, information dissemination, and daily activities.
Dependency: Various sectors, such as healthcare, transportation, energy, and finance, rely on analog systems for critical operations. While digital technologies have made significant advancements, complete reliance on them without analog backups could pose risks in situations where digital systems fail or are compromised.
In summary, while the digital world has revolutionized many aspects of our lives, it is fundamentally intertwined with the analog world. The two complement each other, and the survival of the digital world heavily depends on the analog world for infrastructure, data generation, context, accessibility, and critical systems.
U2 performed at The Sphere in Las Vegas for about 18,000 fans. Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Live Nation
Note: CHAT GPT answered this question before U2 opened at the Las Vegas dome, which is most certainly the beginning of a new era in the cross pollination of digital and analog entertainment. From the images and passionate words shared by the lucky people who were present, this was an unforgettable experience of collective joy. Prepare for mega spheres throughout the world!
Next question:
The Lab Mag: what happens to the digital world if there is no more imagination in the analog world?
ANSWER: Imagination plays a vital role in shaping the digital world. It is through the creative ideas and imaginative thinking of individuals in the analog world that new concepts, designs, and innovations emerge, which are then translated into the digital realm. Without imagination in the analog world, the digital world would likely stagnate and struggle to evolve.
Here are some potential consequences if imagination were absent from the analog world:
Innovation decline: Imagination is the driving force behind technological advancements and innovation. It fuels the development of new technologies, software applications, and digital experiences. Without imagination, the digital world would lack fresh ideas and inventive solutions, leading to a decline in innovation.
Limited creativity: Imagination fuels creativity and artistic expression, both of which are integral to the digital world. Creative industries such as graphic design, animation, gaming, and storytelling heavily rely on imagination to create engaging and immersive digital experiences. A lack of imagination would result in a more sterile and repetitive digital landscape.
User experience stagnation: Imagination helps in envisioning and designing user-friendly interfaces, intuitive interactions, and engaging user experiences. Without imagination, the digital world would struggle to provide novel and captivating user experiences, potentially leading to a lack of user engagement and satisfaction.
Loss of inspiration: Imagination in the analog world often draws inspiration from nature, human experiences, culture, and various other sources. These inspirations shape digital creations, such as visual designs, virtual environments, and storytelling. Without imagination in the analog world, the digital world would lose a significant source of inspiration, potentially leading to a lack of depth and richness in digital content.
Reduced problem-solving capacity: Imagination enables individuals to think outside the box, explore possibilities, and come up with creative solutions to problems. In the absence of imagination, the digital world would struggle to tackle complex challenges, hindered by a lack of innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities.
Decreased human connection: Imagination drives the development of digital communication tools and social media platforms that connect people across distances. It also shapes the way we express ourselves digitally, fostering human connection and interaction. Without imagination, the digital world might lack the means to facilitate meaningful human connections and expression.
In summary, imagination in the analog world is a crucial catalyst for innovation, creativity, user experience, inspiration, problem-solving, and human connection in the digital world. Its absence would likely result in a stagnant and less engaging digital landscape, hindering progress and limiting the potential of digital technologies.
Leonardo da Vinci. Composite Rendition of the Brain and Cranial Nerves. Weimar verso (ca. 1508)
Since writing this AI is being debated everywhere. The many incredible gifts AI could bring to the world, such as communicating with whales and animals lives alongside the possibility of the worst case scenario; total annihilation.
Already, in such a short span of time, CHAT GPT is being used by billions of people all over the world. The next iteration, AI DEEP MIND has arrived. It makes CHAT GPT look quaint. Click on the link below to watch a fascinating interview with Mustafa Suleyman, one of the creators of Deep Mind.
Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng
To be honest, we decided not to put this “interview” in the printed FUTURO edition because without editing, it’s boring and lacks imagination. BUT, we feel it’s also important. It’s the first step towards the new technological world that is being foisted upon the human race by a handful of brilliant but potentially careless tech Lords.
We hope this helps kickstart further discussion. Everyone needs to join the conversation.
The FUTURO is in your hands.
"Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."